iCCL Binder Low-Temperature Test
(incremental Creep for Cracking at Low temperatures)
Emulates continuous low-temperature performance grade (PG꜀). Other features include:
- Provides the same Low-Temperature PG as BBR
- Performed on original/PAV asphalt and extracted binder
- Needs 30 mg of binder that is easily mounted
- Ideal for small quantity of extracted binder
- No need for molding and de-molding
- A quick screening tool for QA/QC
- Significantly faster, safer, more reliable and less costly.
- Provides results with three times higher precision than BBR

Mohseni, A., & Azari, H., 2019, “Quick Asphalt Binder Low-Temperature PG Determination Using DSR,” ASCE International Airfield and Highway Pavements Conference